Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

7 August 2020

Yesterday AHDB published the latest cereal usage statistic for both GB animal feed and UK human and industrial uses, which was the last month of data for the 2019/20 season.

6 August 2020

In June 2020 UK brewers, maltsters and distillers used 116.9Kt of barley, according to AHDB’s latest statistics on cereals usage, 29% less than June 2019.

28 August 2020

The latest EU Commission trade data shows the UK imported, 57.54kt of non-EU maize in July. There’s much more to come…

4 August 2020

Rapeseed imports into the EU27 + UK are off to a slow start this season, in a year where the trading bloc faces another 6.0Mt import requirement. Difficult sowing conditions, coupled with extended periods of dryness, have hit production estimates for much of the continent.

31 July 2020

AHDB’s first harvest progress report of 2020 points to yields of both GB winter oilseed rape and winter barley being sharply down on both last year and the five year average.

29 July 2020

This season, like most seasons in recent history, Black Sea grain supplies will be pivotal to the direction of global markets. Adjustments to production estimates from the Black Sea regions set the tone for domestic and international prices, especially in a year when other Northern Hemisphere producers, most notably the US, EU and Ukraine, are set for smaller wheat production.

28 July 2020

Many farmers across Europe have probably had a growing season they would rather forget, from a wash away autumn and winter in parts, met by a hot and dry spring.

24 July 2020

The International Grains Council its 2020/21 global wheat production forecast reducing the gap to predicted demand. A smaller surplus could mean greater potential for volatility in prices.

23 July 2020

We have seen support for the vegetable oil complex over the last few weeks which in-turn has supported rapeseed prices.

22 July 2020

Argentina’s production estimates for both wheat and maize in 2020/21 have been reduced due to lack of rainfall, causing major droughts across the country.

21 July 2020

Paris rapeseed futures (Nov-20) have shown mixed fortunes of late, with gains made through to the middle of last week minimised by Friday’s close. However, the vegetable oil market has seen some significant support of late, and this could offer short-term support to rapeseed values.

17 July 2020

With a small UK crop and an uncertain trading environment post-December, price transparency is more pivotal than ever. Looking at the current carry in the futures market, the spread between Nov-20 and May-21 is just £4.50/t.
