Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

24 May 2022

Since the war between Russia and Ukraine started, oilseed markets have been shaken considerably.

20 May 2022

Last week I took you through the impact Mark’s nitrogen fertiliser application scenarios could have for harvest 2022. But what about harvest 2023?

18 May 2022

In my article last week, I discussed how rapeseed for the next marketing year (2022/23), withstanding any extreme weather events, will likely be in better global supplies.

17 May 2022

New crop wheat futures hit contract highs yesterday, with Monday’s USDA crop progress report adding to supply worries that have been increasingly growing in recent weeks.

13 May 2022

High input costs are front and foremost of growers minds. UK produced Ammonium Nitrate (AN) increased 182% between Jun-21 and Mar-22, to a price of £839.00/t. With the outlook for natural gas prices (the feed stock for AN) well supported, driven by the war in Ukraine, it is well to assume that fertiliser prices could stay strong for the foreseeable future.

11 May 2022

Tomorrows USDA report - a first look at world ending stocks for 2022/23

10 May 2022

Throughout this marketing year, rapeseed prices have been extremely high.

11 May 2022

It's been a challenging time for growers wondering what to do around their fertiliser buying and application strategies off the back of higher prices over the last few months. However, analysis of the most common approaches shows that you won’t go far wrong with any of them.

4 May 2022

For the past two years AHDB has been exploring the development of a digital grain passport with a number of key industry trade associations including the NFU, AIC and UK Flour Millers.

29 April 2022

Yesterday, Millie brought you a round up for the outlook for global and domestic grains, following Tuesday’s Spring Grain Market Outlook webinar. Today it’s the turn of oilseeds.

28 April 2022

Following on from our Spring Market Outlook webinar on Tuesday, we take a look at both the global and domestic situation for grain for next season.

27 April 2022

Yesterday we held our AHDB Spring Grain Market Outlook webinar. If you missed this, don’t worry! Some key messages are summarised below. You can also watch the recording too, using the video link.
