Contents tagged with Analyst Insight

29 July 2021

July 2021: The latest pig meat market outlook gives an insight into recent trends in the pig sector together with our latest production, trade and demand forecasts. Production is forecast to increase this year. However, imports and exports are both expected to fall.

30 January 2024

Standard litre and actual milk prices have diverged over recent months, but why?

30 January 2024

A look at why recent milk price changes have contrasted with the stability seen in Milk Market Value.

12 March 2020

Current proposals are for a tiered system targeted at different scales

19 January 2024

As we creep ever closer to harvest 2020, we are entering some relatively unprecedented territory. Whilst for some small crops and challenging weather will lead to memories of 2012, 2009 and beyond, there are challenges greater than the weather on the horizon.

13 July 2021

The latest Defra basics payments data was released this morning showing the total area of land eligible for direct payments in the 2019/20 cropping year for England. The data highlights some important and significant changes in crop areas relative to the Defra June Survey. Both surveys have their own statistical challenges, some of which were highlighted in David’s Grain Market Daily on Tuesday.

30 January 2024

We look at how different rates of growth in milk production and processing has changed regional balances of milk

13 July 2021

Now that we have passed the halfway point for this current marketing year, it is worth taking a look at how exports have fared this season so far, and theoretically examining what the degree of carryover could be.

13 July 2021

A lot of attention has been placed on the impact of coronavirus on markets in the past fortnight, and while this is very relevant at the moment, the impact can belie the long-term direction of markets

13 July 2021

With Easter approaching and tight global lamb supply many people have asked, how much New Zealand lamb could be on the shelves this Easter?

13 July 2021

In the midst of a global commodity downturn, US managed money speculative funds have increased the number of long contracts.

13 July 2021

As we draw towards the end of the winter drilling window, it’s becoming more apparent that arable farmers may have to plant alternatives to winter wheat to produce grain for the 2020/21 marketing year.
