
20 February 2024

The latest EU short term outlook has been released and is anticipating a 0.5% decrease in milk collections for 2022.

5 April 2023

The European Commission has released its latest short-term dairy outlook, forecasting a drop of 0.2% in milk production for 2023.

27 September 2022

Analysts have produced a series of articles on the current cost-of-living crisis, exploring the challenges and opportunities for the red meat and dairy sectors.

20 February 2024

The total dairy breeding herd for England contracted by 8,200 head to 1.09million, down 0.7% on June 2021 numbers, according to the Defra 1 June survey for 2022.

20 February 2024

The GB milking herd totalled 1.63 million head of cattle, a decrease of 17,000 head (1%) below July 2021, according to the latest data from British Cattle Movement Service.

20 October 2022

With the increased awareness of the environmental impact of the farming and food production, there is a heightened interest from consumers in how their food is produced,

13 October 2022

With the cost-of-living on a continuous spiral, consumers are having to adapt and rapidly change their shopping habits to fit tighter budgets.

20 February 2024

The latest UK trade data shows cheese exports in Q2 2022 were up on the year, the only dairy category to have seen an increase.

2 January 2024

The dairy sector was also delivered a boost

28 July 2022

Find out more about how to grow Lupins on your farm, how to harvest and process them, and how to incorporate them into a ration for cattle and sheep.

21 June 2022

427 thousand of the world’s dairy farmers are leaving the industry each year. But the world’s population is expected to grow to 10 billion by 2050. How can the dairy sector help feed these people sustainably while also ensuring its farmers are able to make a living?

25 October 2023

The final aspect of your cow track to consider is what fencing to use and how to ensure it doesn’t slow down cow flow. Here we look at what to bear in mind when fencing your cow track.
