Cereals & Oilseeds

6 July 2021

Join us at Vale of Belvoir Monitor Farm for this year's summer meeting.

4 January 2023

Find out how to optimise and protect leaves and tillers to help maximise barley yields.

15 September 2021

Find out how to optimise and protect leaves and tillers to help maximise wheat yields.

27 May 2021

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is launching a consumer marketing campaign based around a striking piece of art made entirely from whole grains.

26 May 2021

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), is running a series of webinars and interactive workshops every Friday in June to report on how research is being put into practice across its network of Strategic Cereal Farms.

2 June 2021

How do different stubble management strategies before sowing effect weed control?

30 March 2023

What is the impact of cultivation systems on soil health and crop rooting?

15 November 2021

Can you reduce your use of insecticides with in-field flower strips?

19 July 2021

Join us for the on-farm launch of Hereford Monitor Farm.

15 September 2021

Learn how to optimise wheat’s early growth stages to get the crop off to a strong start.

6 July 2021

Join us for a farm walk at Loppington Monitor Farm this summer.

4 January 2023

Learn how to optimise these early growth stages, which are particularly critical in barley.
