GB deadweight cattle prices

Updated weekly
This survey aims to provide a weekly overview of the prices paid for deadweight cattle for the most common classifications on the EUROP grid, collected from a sample of abattoirs across Great Britain.

Latest update

Additional information

All abattoirs in Great Britain slaughtering more than 20,000 adult cattle each year contribute to this survey. The data is collected weekly and published by Wednesday for the previous week (Sunday to Saturday). Each plant provides the price and weight as well as the fat class and conformation of each individual steer, heifer, young bull or cow procured deadweight.

The ‘Overall Price‘ and ‘Numbers‘ shown include all classifications on the EUROP grid.

The prices shown are in pence per kilogram, excluding VAT, and are based on a UK dressing specification. They include all animals slaughtered regardless of scheme, breed or organic status and represent the average payable for the animal upon delivery to the abattoir, before deductions (e.g. procurement, transport, insurance, inspection, levy or any other below-the-line charges. Please note, a below-the-line deduction is small and insignificant compared to the value of the carcase.

Note: There was a change in sample size with effect from week ending 21 October 2023 and 05 October 2024.

Contact us

This dataset was produced by our Data and Analysis Team. If you need any further help, please email Dawn or Lydia at 

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