What’s happening in your region? Strategic Farm West update from the researchers

Past Event

Friday, 04 June 2021

10:00am - 11:00am

Webinar recording

This Strategic Farm West summer update will provide attendees with an update on the last year of trials and demonstrations on-farm, putting research into practice. There will be a background and update of observations from four of the main trials/demonstrations for harvest 2021.

The session programme will be based around observations from Strategic Farm West trials & demonstrations:

  • 10:00 – Welcome & introduction from Richard Meredith & Emily Pope, AHDB
  • 10:10 – Soil management for Autumn crop management – Kate Smith, ADAS
  • 10:20 – Reducing inputs on-farm - Chloe Morgan, ADAS
  • 10:30 – Managing weeds without herbicides – Sarah Cook, ADAS
  • 10:40 – Reducing the impact of cabbage stem flea beetle (CSFB) on oilseed rape through use of companion crops, organic amendments, and straw management – Fran Pickering, ADAS
  • 10:50 – Questions & Answers
  • 11:00 – Conclude

BASIS and NRoSO points are available for attending/watching this webinar.



If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.

E Richard.meredith@ahdb.org.uk

T 07717 493015

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