Beef & Lamb

23 February 2022

The all-prime average deadweight cattle price appreciated by 1.2p in the w/e 19 Feb

30 January 2024

Dry weather in South America, and the political situation in Russia and Ukraine, are both pushing up feed ingredient prices.

23 February 2022

A look at consumption trends in a few European countries in 2021

21 February 2022

The role of serogroup specific vaccination in the control of footrot in sheep PhD

21 February 2022

Preventing Neonatal Infectious Arthritis in Lambs

21 February 2022

Over the past ten years there has been little change in the number of calves registered however there has been a shift in the make up of the national herd. Ten years ago, just over half of all registrations were for calves born to suckler cows, this has now fallen closer to 45%.

18 February 2022

Both the liveweight and deadweight SQQ measures came under pressure in the latest week

17 February 2022

Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) have released their sheep industry forecast for 2022. Production is expected to increase but pressures remain for both domestic and export markets, due to the impact of COVID-19 and rising price inflation.

16 February 2022

The release of December data allows us to see the full beef trade picture for 2021

20 April 2023

Beef trade in February was subdued, with a fall in monthly imports and slight increase in exports.

31 March 2023

In the current climate, with supplies tight, store cattle prices have seen some large price movements, seeing strong support since mid-December.

31 March 2023

Whilst beef trade followed seasonal trends for January, both imports and exports were up year-on-year.
