
18 July 2024

Information on the Environment Baselining Pilot – your farm’s future starts with a baseline

21 May 2024

We are investing £2.5 million, with the long-term vision to create the opportunity for a nationwide standardised data set across the beef and lamb, cereals and oilseeds, dairy and pork sectors.

16 May 2024

An inspection of the UK pork sector by an official delegation from Mexico has been labelled a ‘milestone moment’ in maintaining and expanding market access to the region for the industry.

20 May 2024

Learn about the FarrOPEN flexible farrowing system

15 May 2024

Learn about the experiences of farmers who have trialled different flexible farrowing systems

16 May 2024

EU pork production in the first two months of 2024 has totalled just over 3.7m tonnes. This is overall growth of 5% compared to the same period in 2023.

11 July 2024

Our analysis on the considers the competing uses of farmland with commercial crop production.

8 May 2024

The SPP has eased 0.62p from the end of March with weekly movements varied in size.

8 May 2024

Find out about the strategic review of the Nutrient Management Guide (RB209), including how you can feed in your views about the future of the guidance.

8 May 2024

Take part in the first strategic review of the Nutrient Management Guide (RB209) for seven years.

3 June 2024

What does an ASF contingency plan look like and how can you play your part in protecting the national herd?

15 May 2024

Our response to Defra's new statistics release
