Blog: Second ASF contingency planning workshop

Friday, 4 October 2024

Miranda Bowden-Doyle, Animal Health & Welfare Scientist, summarises a recent workshop focused on post-farmgate contingency planning with regard to African swine fever (ASF).

On 20 September, AHDB and NPA hosted a second joint ASF workshop as a follow-up to the one held in July.  During the July workshop, we worked through a simulated real-life scenario with a heavy focus on pre-farmgate contingency planning.

Post-farmgate planning and abattoir pre-designation was outside the scope of the first workshop but was identified as a key area of focus for a second workshop.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) gave a presentation on the process of abattoir pre-designation and the requirements for it to be granted. This would mean that during an outbreak, designated plants would be able continue to kill pigs from inside disease control zones (known as protection or surveillance zones). The FSA also covered the sequence of events if ASF was suspected or confirmed at an abattoir and what tracings would be required for both pigs and products.

Other topics discussed included how an outbreak of ASF would impact the day-to-day functioning of the supply chain (including hauliers, slaughterhouses, further processing and trade) and the impact it would have on retail.

Some key actions from the day included:

  • Getting as many abattoirs as possible pre-designated
  • Ensuring hauliers and abattoir staff are briefed on what the potential restrictions could be
  • Continuing to encourage thorough and digital record keeping across the whole supply chain
  • Ensuring cleansing and disinfection protocols and facilities are up to date

AHDB and NPA will be continuing to work together alongside the industry to make sure we are as prepared as we can be for an ASF incursion.

Image of staff member Miranda Bowden-Doyle

Miranda Bowden-Doyle

Animal Health and Welfare Scientist

See full bio



