
11 November 2020

The UK Internal Market Bill had its first reading on 30 September in the House of Commons. The second reading - the general debate on all aspects of the Bill - is scheduled for 19 October.

13 October 2020

If not managed correctly, outwintering livestock can result in soil damage and nutrient loss. Dr Debbie McConnell discusses the importance of grazing strategy and infrastructure during the outwintering period to minimise any risk of soil damage.

9 October 2020

This webinar specifically for vets looks at the practical ways vets can help farmers understand the impact of respiratory disease in their dairy replacement heifers.

13 October 2020

A good drainage scheme installed over 30 years ago, on what became a 64 ha grazing platform, allowed Cheshire farmer, Phil Asbury, to turn cows out in February. But he has learned that the key to keeping a long grazing season (stock can stay out until late November) and help heavy land to dry out quicker, is regular maintenance of ditches and outfalls.

9 October 2020

A look at the hidden costs of calf pneumonia and practical changes you can make to help improve the performance of your replacement heifers.

4 January 2024

For those thinking of on/off grazing to avoid poaching the platform in wet weather this autumn, remember that it works best when cows have an edge to their appetite. This changes their eating habits and they graze for longer, points out LIC consultant Sean Chubb.

9 October 2020

Learn how dietary starch levels and copper antagonists impact the metabolism of copper.

14 July 2021

In the last two years, we have seen the heifer slaughter proportion increase.

30 May 2024

A set of practical measures you can take to prevent and limit the spread of infectious diseases on your farm.

9 November 2020

With the grazing of fodder beet in-situ becoming ever more popular across the UK, join Dr Jim Gibbs - fodder beet grazing specialist from New Zealand and Marc Jones – Independent grazing and forage consultant, for a series of specialist webinars aimed at maximising both livestock and fodder beet performance on farm.

20 November 2020

The rate of ammonia volatilisation from floors is influenced by ambient temperature and air exchange rate. Controlling these factors will reduce ammonia emissions.
