Contents tagged with trade

14 July 2021

During October, UK exports of fresh and frozen beef continued on the trend of 2019, recording another year-on-year increase.

14 July 2021

Much attention has been paid to UK exports so far this year, which have been increasing in volume, but at lower prices. But, what has been happening on the import side, and perhaps more importantly why?

30 January 2024

As we enter a new decade we look at the key dynamics playing out in the dairy market and how they might influence the markets in the coming year

30 January 2024

UK imports of Irish cheddar in 2019 are on track to be the highest for at least twenty years.

29 November 2019

Trade disruptions dampen global growth, affecting UK consumer confidence

20 November 2019

UK cheese and butter exports were both up on the previous year in September, and year to date figures also showed strong growth.

5 November 2019

Innovative butchery has developed 35 new pork cuts from the front section of the carcase, which accounts for around a third of it.

30 January 2024

From 18 October, approximately 75% of cheese and 93% of butter sent to the US from the EU will be subject to tariffs under the new regime.

30 January 2024

Could the UK be self sufficient in mozzarella if trade is disrupted under a no-deal scenario?

30 January 2024

We look at how the cheddar industry has moved on over the last two years in preparation for Brexit.
