Contents tagged with retail

2 January 2024

There were indications that shoppers cut back on the big cheese board this Christmas

2 January 2024

Turkey remains a staple of the Christmas meal occasion, but this tradition is losing relevance over time

21 October 2022

New research aims to transform the online shopping platforms of supermarkets across the UK.

20 February 2024

Retail dairy sales hit by price increases

2 January 2024

Online shopping is growing and red meat sales increased 57% on year. However, there are barriers to shopping for red meat online and it doesn't achieve its fair share of the market.

2 January 2024

As the cost-of-living crisis deepens and a growing number of shoppers say they buy whatever pork is the best price, how could outdoor pork products fare?

8 July 2024

Health is a long-standing concern for consumers, and therefore is a topic AHDB monitors regularly.

7 December 2021

According to Kantar, 12% of primary and processed pigmeat volumes held an outdoor claim, in the year ending 16 May 21.

16 July 2024

A guide to processing pork from farm to plate

12 July 2021

A guide to processing lamb from farm to plate

13 July 2021

A guide to processing beef

18 May 2021

We outline why the year-on-year change in retail volumes of beef, lamb and pork have started to slow
