Contents tagged with import

10 July 2024

EU dairy product availability: butter supplies fall in Q1 as production shrinks

4 July 2024

UK dairy product availability: Cheese supplies tighten in Q1 2024 as exports get a boost and milk flows head towards butter

23 May 2024

Q1 dairy trade review: exports mostly flat and imports on the uptick

10 April 2024

EU dairy product availability: supplies tightened in Q4

22 February 2024

2023 dairy trade review: improved balance of trade

2 February 2024

UK dairy product availability Q3 2023: Powder supplies shrink as huge boost to exports in Africa and the Middle East

26 January 2023

The weekly imported price survey helps identify how competitive domestic grain is against imported materials. The prices are collected from a sample of merchants with the survey showing the value of importing feed grains and quality milling wheat into the UK. The prices collected include freight and freight operators' costs. Each week on a Tuesday, the Monday spot prices are published for the current month, plus a selection of forward months. In instances where there are less than 7 days remaining in the current month, the following month is collected.

10 May 2021

EU and UK import tariff rates for selected cereals and oilseeds and derived products

19 January 2021

EU and UK import tariff rates for selected beef products

19 January 2021

EU and UK import tariff rates for selected pig meat products

19 January 2021

EU and UK import tariff rates for selected dairy products
