Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

16 May 2024

The USDA predicts stocks held by major exporting countries (Argentina, Australia, Canada, European Union, Russia, and Ukraine) to fall over 2024/25 by 6.9 Mt to 31.7Mt.

16 May 2024

UK wheat imports (including durum wheat) for March totalled 199.0 Kt, meaning this season-to-date (Jul-Mar) imports have reached 1.6 Mt, up 63.0% on the same period last year.

16 May 2024

AHDB’s latest analysis of the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) looks at if actions, such as herbal leys or legume fallows, could provide a good economic alternative to break crops.

10 May 2024

Yesterday, AHDB released the latest usage figures for both GB animal feed production and human and industrial consumption up to the end of March.

9 May 2024

Market expectations for what the USDA will predict for global grain end of 2024/25 stocks tomorrow are mixed, while soyabean stocks are expected to rise

26 June 2024

In this final article, we analyse the cost of production (sum of all costs to produce that crop) and net margin (income less all costs, before subsidies) achieved by each nation and consider how we see the UK competing in the future

3 May 2024

The condition scores for GB winter crops at the end of April are higher than at the end of March but still sharply lower than in recent years.

2 May 2024

Global grain markets are waking up again, with recent price rises as several top global wheat growing countries face challenging weather.

26 June 2024

Budgeting meetings focused on the coming harvest and what challenges that may bring, helped Arable Business Group members consider their next steps.

30 April 2024

USDA crop progress report shows US winter wheat rating has dipped following dry weather, but still remains the highest for the time of year since 2020.

26 April 2024

Dry weather in Russia is one of the main factors supporting wheat prices currently, as forecasts show limited rainfall for key winter wheat areas.

26 April 2024

Paris rapeseed futures have continued to hold a strong premium over Chicago soyabeans futures since last discussed in February.
