
12 February 2024

After shoppers have been tempted by inspiration on pack, they look to make informed choices around provenance.

10 May 2024

Within the hierarchy of information, sustainability and animal welfare specifics were seen as nice to have rather than essential on packs.

12 February 2024

Shoppers want to be inspired by red meat labelling, with tasty food imagery and cooking details a key driver of purchase.

12 February 2024

After shoppers have been tempted by inspiration on pack, they look to make informed choices around health.

12 February 2024

To try and reduce clutter on labels but still provide all the information shoppers may be looking for, QR codes are a good option.

23 April 2024

As the fourth instalment of our Reinventing Retail series, AHDB has undertaken research with the aim to understand how red meat packaging and labelling can be optimised.

6 February 2024

The latest Agricultural Price Index (API) for all agricultural outputs decreased by 6.5% year on year in November 2023, however it is likely agriculture will continue to endure relatively high input costs through 2024.

11 March 2024

Find out about the opportunities and challenges to recruiting new entrants into agriculture.

10 January 2024

British pork exporters are set to benefit from additional trade with Mexico with the market opening further to include offal with a potential estimated value of £18m over the next five years.

5 January 2024

A round up of the latest prices, production, and trade data in the UK pork market.

4 January 2024

Find out why Andrew Palmer is an advocate for stockperson training

3 January 2024

Preparation is key. Not only does it save time during an outbreak, but it can also help limit the impact too.
