Beef & Lamb

24 August 2022

The average GB prime cattle deadweight price saw its first increase for seven weeks, appreciating 0.9p to average 433.4p/kg in the week ending 20 August.

4 October 2022

The lamb supply chain begins on farm and ends on the consumer’s plate, but the way for sheep producers to maximise returns from their lamb crop is to produce and sell what their buyers really want .

30 September 2022

An opportunity to gain an insight into the internal effects of parasite damage via demonstrations of sheep post-mortems.

11 October 2022

An opportunity to gain an insight into the internal effects of parasite damage via demonstrations of sheep post-mortems.

18 August 2022

For the week ending 17 August, the GB liveweight NSL SQQ stood at 240.4p/kg

18 August 2022

Selecting for maternal, easy-fleshing cattle has allowed a business to buy a farm and set up a 100-cow suckler herd without the expense of sheds, a winter housing period or using a tractor through the winter.

18 August 2022

Johnes disease is a hidden disease of cattle which is ultimately fatal. The disease progressively damages the intestines of the affected animal, resulting in profuse and persistent diarrhoea.

18 August 2022

There are approximately 40 different vaccines authorised for use in cattle in the UK. When administered correctly, they are a great way of preventing disease whilst also reducing antibiotic use.

18 August 2022

Difficult calvings have a huge impact on the performance of a suckler herd and have a detrimental effect on calf performance and cow fertility but pelvic scoring has benefits when it comes to calving.

18 August 2022

In this webinar we are delighted to be joined by Teagasc, Ireland who talk about how they identify their superior cows to breed female replacements from for future herd success.

18 August 2022

Calving heifers for the first time at two years of age is an effective method of reducing cost of production and increasing cow lifetime reproductive performance. However, it is estimated that only 35% of English suckler producers carry out the practice.

18 August 2022

Fertility trumps carcase traits in search for profit in suckler beef herds
