Beef & Lamb

8 September 2022

According to the latest June livestock survey released by Defra, the English sheep flock grew

8 September 2022

Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) have revised down its predictions for 2022 cattle slaughter

7 September 2022

Total GB calf registrations for the first half of 2022 reached 1.56 million head, according to data from the British Cattle Movement Service.

7 September 2022

The number of cattle in England on 1 June 2022 stood at 5.1 million head, according to Defra figures.

8 September 2022

The Far East has remained an important destination for UK red meat exports during the first half of the year, adding significant value to the UK red meat sector

2 September 2022

The breeding ewe flock stood at 16.1 million on 30 June, down 1.4% year-on-year.

2 September 2022

GB new season lamb prices were relatively steady, but weakening, through August following the sharp declines seen through July.

31 August 2022

For the week ending 27 August, the average GB all-prime deadweight cattle price made a small gain for the second week, up 0.1p to 433.5p/kg.

20 February 2024

The latest Agricultural Price Index (API) data clearly demonstrates the direct impact of the war in Ukraine on input costs.

20 October 2022

With the increased awareness of the environmental impact of the farming and food production, there is a heightened interest from consumers in how their food is produced,

13 October 2022

With the cost-of-living on a continuous spiral, consumers are having to adapt and rapidly change their shopping habits to fit tighter budgets.

25 August 2022

For the week ending 24 August, the GB liveweight NSL SQQ stood at 239.5p/kg, only marginally down on the price seen the previous week, and in line with the price seen for the same week last year.
