Beef & Lamb

30 January 2023

Join Towcester Farm Vets and AHDB Beef & Lamb to discuss maximising the potential of replacement heifers and suckler fertility through breeding and selection.

15 February 2023

Grass is easy to grow, but hard to manage well. But getting grazing management right can offer improvements in productivity, performance and profitability.

6 January 2023

GB NSL SQQ lamb prices for December (w/e 10 Dec – 31 Dec) averaged 244.4p/kg, 0.7% (1.7p) up on the previous month.

9 February 2023

Through January (w/e 07 Jan – 04 Feb) GB OSL SQQ prices averaged 232.1p/kg.

5 January 2023

A round up of the key market headlines.

5 January 2023

A round up of key beef market headlines.

5 January 2023

The halal sector presents many opportunities for farmers and processors to diversify their livestock production to cater for the growing demand for halal beef and lamb in the UK.

22 December 2022

The UK imported 21,100 tonnes of beef in October, up 14% compared to September but 9% lower year-on-year.

21 December 2022

According to latest Defra figures, UK sheep meat production in November totalled 24,400 tonnes, up marginally versus October production figures.

21 December 2022

The UK produced 84,100 tonnes of beef and veal in November, up 3.1% (2,500 tonnes) on October, and 6.1% (4,800 tonnes) on the same month last year.

19 January 2024

Imports of fresh and frozen lamb totalled 2,400 tonnes in October, a 36.9% (1,400 tonne) decrease on September.

3 January 2023

GB deadweight cattle prices maintained their strength through the month of November.
