
16 December 2021

What is predictable for meat and dairy?

13 December 2021

Join Kim Stafford, Director, U&I Work, and Sarah Hurford, Business Content Manager at AHDB, for a webinar to discuss long-term planning and goal setting for your business, looking at the costs of putting things off and not dealing with time stealers.

13 January 2022

Amandeep Kaur Purewal explores the politics and opportunities around any future deal with India

30 October 2023

Accounting for fertiliser and feed prices, it calculates the cost benefit of applying nitrogen to grassland.

30 January 2024

UK dairy trade continues to be down on the year overall, but butter and powders had year-on-year growth in Q3

24 November 2021

Effective fibre on rumen function, performance and health of UK dairy cows

17 November 2021

Key influencers in Hong Kong recently sampled some of the best of British cheese at an in-person tasting event.

30 January 2024

Update on October milk deliveries

12 January 2022

Our new Farm Business Review is helping one mixed Wiltshire farmer take a hard look at his production costs.

30 January 2024

Soaring fertiliser prices are a concern for all, but some dairy systems will be more exposed than others.

24 November 2021

Use of Festulolium (SUREROOT) in UK dairy systems to respond to climate change

24 November 2021

Improving soil management
