Export performance impacts UK product availability

Wednesday, 1 February 2023

Limited milk production in the first ten months of the year has impacted on availability of dairy production within the UK. Milk deliveries in the UK amounted to 12,464m litres from January to October, 140m litres (1.1%) less year on year. The reduced milk supplies impacted production volumes of key dairy products, with both butter and skim milk powder (SMP) tonnage down. Cheese however saw increased production over the period.

Trade had a varied impact on domestic product availability, with cheese and SMP showing opposing trends. Reduced export volumes for butter, combined with the lower domestic production, meant total availability remained roughly in line to year earlier levels. With SMP, the reduced export volumes in the Jan-Oct period led to improved availability. Milk powder exports from Jan-Oct fell by roughly 21,000 tonnes (25%) which helped shore up domestic availability despite a 6% drop in production volumes.

Cheese availability also decreased in the 10-month period relative to the previous year, even though production was up by 10,000 tonnes (2%). Import levels also saw a modest 2% uplift year on year, but the 18% increase in export volumes resulted in an overall reduction in available supplies of 5,000 tonnes (1%).   

Uk dairy product supplies to Oct22

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