Beef & Lamb

9 July 2020

Strategic Farm event with guest speakers

24 June 2020

The takeaway market declined by 41% in the month up to mid-April, but things are starting to improve

19 June 2020

Farm owners and managers are being asked to help shape a new education programme which aims to develop home-grown talent for the agricultural industry.

19 June 2020

Successful buffer feeding not only helps slow down the rotation and conserve grass for grazing, it can also be cost-effective if you reduce waste, maintain milk yields and generate payback. While feeding in the paddock is a cheaper option, it risks encouraging local wildlife into the paddock, which isn’t good for TB management.

9 October 2020

Currently, across most of the UK, soil moisture deficits are severe, with over 75 mm of rain needed to return the soil back to field capacity.

16 July 2020

Join AHDB and Marc Jones, Agricultural Consultant for a webinar on outwintering sheep.

14 July 2021

In April, both UK imports and exports of fresh/frozen beef fell 15% year-on-year.

13 July 2021

During April UK exports of fresh and frozen primary sheep meat totalled just over 6,100 tonnes, down 2,300 tonnes year-on-year. UK export volumes were expected to contract due to the on-going COVID-19 situation both here, and on the continent.

13 July 2021

Overall the disruption and uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to continue for many more months. For a second consecutive year, global meat production is expected to contract.

13 July 2021

During the week ending 17 June the seasonal downwards pressure on lamb prices remained. The GB liveweight NSL SQQ dropped almost 20p, to 214.28p/kg.
