Beef & Lamb

26 May 2022

Ian joined the AHDB Strategic Farm programme in 2017 with the aim of creating a profitable suckler business which also allowed him to spend time with his young family.

18 May 2023

Manage your communication preferences

5 May 2022

Webinar looking at the economic impact of taking part in the SFI and how you can prepare for these policy changes

3 May 2022

Webinar looking at the economic impact of taking part in the SFI and how you can prepare for these policy changes

12 April 2022

The US remains a key target market for our export team, with work ongoing to raise the profile of pork, beef and lamb from the UK to buyers across the country.

12 April 2022

Unsurprisingly a key theme of the latest outlook was the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. However, the outlook takes an optimistic view over the impact of the conflict on the EU agri-food sector.

9 June 2022

An event looking at how to achieve net zero to create a more profitable business

7 April 2022

Survey launched to understand impact of the rise in Schmallenberg virus on 2022 lambing season

7 April 2022

Liveweight lamb prices bounced up again in the most recent week, with the OSL SQQ reaching 274.89p/kg. This is the highest the quote has stood so far this year.

6 April 2022

In the week ending 2 April, GB deadweight cattle prices experienced further price gains.

6 April 2022

Exports of red meat from the UK were worth more than £1.45 billion in 2021 – up £33 million on pre-pandemic levels despite a challenging year for exporters.

5 April 2022

Exports of beef from the UK to Japan were worth a staggering £1.78 million in January – almost a fifth of the total value last year, in just one month.
