November milk production continues upward trajectory

Wednesday, 7 December 2022

November GB milk deliveries are estimated at 1,011 million litres according to latest daily delivery data. This is 36.9 million litres (3.8%) up on the same month last year. Production remained relatively stable throughout the month with deliveries averaging 33.7 million litres per day. This is 1.2 million litres per day more than November last year.

Industry analysts suggest the uplift on production is likely down to a favourable set of circumstances in the month. Last year, daily deliveries in November were historically low at 2% below the 5-year average, so some of the uplift seen for November will be due to 2021 being a low production year.

Equally, the late onset of winter, with cold weather only beginning to hit the UK this week, allowed for an autumn flush of grass, helping boost milk production especially for those who have moved to an autumn calving system. The high milk price will have contributed to a favourable milk to feed price ratio, and likely encouraged increased concentrate usage. In addition, genetic improvements in the herd will have contributed to the uplift, despite numbers in the milking herd continuing to decrease.

Whilst this current uplift in yields may not be sustained throughout the winter, we should still see year on year improvements into the new year due to the weak production in late 2021 and the beginning of 2022.

Image of staff member Charlotte Forkes-Rees

Charlotte Forkes-Rees

Retail and Consumer Insight Analyst

See full bio

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