A holistic approach to managing without zinc oxide

Thursday, 10 March 2022

The Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) recently announced that any zinc oxide veterinary products that are Qualified-Person-released by 26 June 2022 can continue to be used until the end of their shelf life (approximately two years).

But rather than waiting until this point is reached, treat this time as a transition period and an opportunity to work with your vet and nutritionist to develop a plan to gradually phase out the use of zinc oxide.

The industry has made good progress in reducing and refining antibiotic usage, and we do not want to compromise this hard work by waiting until zinc oxide is banned before exploring alternatives.

There is no silver bullet for managing without zinc oxide and what works on one unit is not necessarily going to be effective on another. During our webinar in February, we explored several options you might want to consider.

Some of the take home messages included the importance of reducing the stresses of weaning and how attention to detail at this stage go a long way to preventing outbreaks of post weaning diarrhoea.

Additional areas to focus on included:

  • Colostrum management: critical during the first 6 hours of life to develop immunity and maximise growth. Robust piglets will be better equipped to deal with stresses at weaning
  • Food and feeding space: a gentle transition to solid food before weaning will accustom piglets to their new diet before leaving the sow and help them know where to look for it
  • Water: providing extra water at weaning will encourage pigs to drink, this can result in them eating more
  • Temperature: maintaining a warm environment of 26-28°C for indoor piglets, and avoiding drafts
  • Cleaning regime: making sure weaner accommodation is thoroughly cleaned and ventilated will reduce the risk of bacteria and viruses taking hold
  • Handling with care: being considerate with handling to avoid stress

There is nothing novel about these recommendations but getting them right will set the foundations for a healthy and resilient gut. Make the most of this time to work with your vet, nutritionist, and feed company.
