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Soil organic matter
Organic matter enhances the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil and is important for soil fertility and crop productivity. Increasing and maintaining it is a vital component of sustainable soil management.
What soil organic matter is and what it does
Soil organic matter means all living, or once-living, materials within or added to the soil. Discover the ways organic matter makes your soil more fertile and improves its overall health.
Find out what soil organic matter is and the benefits it provides
Monitoring changes in soil organic matter
The amount of organic matter in soils depends on soil texture, climate, the input and composition of organic materials, decomposition and the type of farming system employed.
Find out what to consider when measuring soil organic matter
Adding organic matter to soil
Discover the different types of organic matter that can be added to soil and understand the varying impacts they can have.
Read more about the impacts of different organic materials
Useful links
Download the measuring and managing soil organic matter factsheet
Find out more about the nutrient content of organic materials
Read the Principles of soil management guide
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