Materials for cow tracks

When it comes to choosing materials for building your cow track, you have a number of options. Find out what to consider when deciding on the best material to use for your track and herd.

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Cow track surface materials

There are a number of cow track surface options to choose from, ranging from solid surfaces (such as concrete or concrete railway sleepers) to softer surfaces (such as woodchip, sand, limestone dust and numerous commercial products).

It may also be possible to use either an on-farm supply of stone or waste building rubble in the base of the track.

Potential surface materials

  • Oolitic limestone, laid with a vibrating roller in 2 in layers (following wet weather to aid compaction)
  • Sandstone
  • Chalk – to which you can add sand to reduce the risk of cows slipping
  • Crushed stone or rubble – commercial crushers can be contracted in, and the stone can be stabilised with cement if needed
  • Woodchips
  • Stone dust
  • Turf or artifical turf with sand for grip

What to consider when choosing the surface for your cow track

Cows walk better on softer surfaces, but consider the following:

  • The gradient of the track
  • Weather conditions
  • Disposal if no longer required
  • Tracks should be for cows only
  • If using sleepers, they should be placed directly onto topsoil rather than digging into a trench, and there is no need for a crossfall on the track
  • The use of a geotextile membrane to create a barrier between the topsoil and the track material should prevent large stones and mud from rising to the surface. This will increase the life of the track
  • Don’t use material of a size and shape that can be trapped between the claws – any bought-in materials should be screened for metal, which can puncture and damage soles

Waste and permissions

The classification of some of these materials as ‘waste’ may have a bearing on the permissions needed for use.

Please contact the Environment Agency before starting to build your tracks and apply for the relevant waste exemption licence.

In most cases it will be U1 – Use of waste in construction, which covers using crushed bricks, concrete, rocks and aggregate to build a track, road or car park.

Useful links

Find out about the advantages of cow tracks

Learn how cows behave on a cow track

Find out what to consider when planning your cow track route

Discover how to design and build a cow track

Find out more about maintaining a cow track

Learn about draining your cow track

Find out how to calculate cow track costs

Learn how to fence a cow track

Information on the anatomy of a healthy cow’s foot

View the latest Cow tracks and herding guide

We have a number of technical resources for you to use on farm and in the office.

To order a hard copy of Cow tracks:
