Success in Transition - Dorset

Past Event - booking closed

Thursday, 12 March 2020

10:30am - 2:30pm

Kingston Maurward College, Dorchester, Dorset


Identifying your transition success is key to optimising fertility and production in your herd. We know that trends in transition failure can hide in AYR calving herds. The key is to recognise this, set targets and establish how to overcome the challenge.

Join us at one of our practical meetings to help you evaluate the current ‘Transition Success’ of your herd, understand the common challenges and to discuss how and when to set triggers for action. All attendees will receive a hard copy of our new ‘In Calf’ resource – recognised as an industry respected reference for ALL dairy farms.

At the practical workshop, you will learn:

  • Easy ways to engage your team in evaluating ‘Transition Success’
  • Target setting and triggers for action
  • Top tips for good health after calving
  • Strategies for post-calving checks

The workshop is limited to a maximum of 30 attendees running from 11.00am to 2.30pm. Aimed at AYR calving farmers and their staff who are involved with pre- and post-calving care. 

Lunch and refreshments will be included. The cost of attending this meeting is funded via your levy.  Please register your interest.

To find out more or book a place, please contact the KE Events hub on 01904 771216 or email


