Contents tagged with trade

13 July 2021

The Commission expects that EU sheep and goat meat production will remain stable in 2020, after considerable growth recorded in 2019.

14 July 2021

EU beef production is expected fall by around 0.6% in 2020, due to a contraction in the herd size and weaker prices.

13 July 2021

During February UK imports of fresh and frozen primary sheep meat dropped 30% year-on-year. Meanwhile exports declined just 300 tonnes.

14 July 2021

Global beef production in 2020 is expected to reach 61.53 million tonnes, slightly (-0.2%) less than in the previous year.

14 July 2021

Brazilian beef exports have slowed this year, as it's main export regions tackle the coronavirus

13 July 2021

During January, UK imports of fresh and frozen sheep meat declined by 18%. Meanwhile, exports increased 7%.

14 July 2021

In January, UK beef exports increased by 20% on the year. Meanwhile, imports fell on the year.

30 January 2024

We take a look at how the combination of products we trade affects the value trade balance.

30 January 2024

The UK trade balance for all dairy products* was positive in volume terms in 2019, with a surplus of 95k tonnes of product.

14 July 2021

New Zealand farmgate beef prices have come under pressure as Chinese import demand dropped off.

30 January 2024

EU-28 exports of butter products increased by 35% year on year in 2019, with UK exports up 11%.

14 July 2021

In December, both UK exports and imports of beef recorded a year-on-year decline.
