Contents tagged with trade

30 January 2024

Global exports in dairy products are forecast to fall by 4.1% in 2020, according to the FAO. What could this mean for the UK?

31 July 2020

Will pig meat production increase again? A look at the UK pork industry, trade and domestic consumption.

14 July 2021

During May UK imports of fresh and frozen primary beef declined 2,700 tonnes, to 16,500 tonnes. Almost half of this decline came from a drop in shipments from Ireland. Product availability during May was lower year-on-year in Ireland.

24 April 2024

The disruption caused by COVID-19 seems to have become evident in May trade figures, with UK exports recording a 2% decline on the year.

30 January 2024

The UK trade deficit in fat and protein terms shrunk in 2019

8 July 2020

This is the second of a series of AHDB export webinars, we look at the opportunities for trade in North America.

13 July 2021

During April UK exports of fresh and frozen primary sheep meat totalled just over 6,100 tonnes, down 2,300 tonnes year-on-year. UK export volumes were expected to contract due to the on-going COVID-19 situation both here, and on the continent.

30 January 2024

The recently announced future import tariffs give most dairy products the equivalent of the current EU external import tariff

13 July 2021

In March, UK imports continued to track below previous year levels for most products. Meanwhile, overall exports recorded very marginal growth on the year.

30 January 2024

UK dairy exports had a mixed performance in the first quarter of 2020, with some categories in growth but other key categories in decline.

13 July 2021

Last year recorded some unusual trends for UK sheep meat trade. There were just two months when the UK was a net importer.

13 March 2024

Grain prices came under pressure in April as the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted demand, leading in an surplus of supplies.
