Contents tagged with organic

12 June 2024

Organic production continues to decline, but the latest retail sales figures may provide some positivity

16 February 2024

How is the organic market bearing up in the face of rising prices and falling demand?

30 January 2024

The first full calendar year where we have organic milk deliveries data puts overall volumes at 494m litres for 2021

30 January 2024

The latest daily deliveries show the impact as cooler weather and rain swept across the country from 24 July

30 January 2024

The first year of GB organic daily deliveries allows us to compare the seasonal profile with conventional volumes

30 January 2024

Organic GB milk deliveries for May are put at 47.3m litres

30 January 2024

As we start collecting GB organic milk production data, April 2021 is put at 45.3m litres, 0.4m litres below last year.

4 January 2021

With increased focus on household budgets expected in 2021, how can the organic market continue to grow?

30 January 2024

EU Commission has agreed to recognise UK organic certification for a 12-month transition period, pending approval.

12 November 2019

But price is still a key barrier, highlighting the need to justify its price premium

12 February 2019

Blandford Monitor Farm: Join John Pawsey to find out the benefits of an organic approach

16 August 2019

The organic market in the UK has been building momentum since 2015 and hit the £1 billion spend mark in the last 52 weeks.
