Seasonal profile of organic deliveries
Friday, 25 June 2021
By Chris Gooderham
The first full year of GB organic daily deliveries data allows us to compare the seasonal profile of organic milk production in the country with conventional volumes. Please note the comparison has been done on just one year’s worth of data, and it was an unusual year with milk collections across the country disrupted through April and into May.

In 2020/21, conventional milk deliveries peaked at 107% of their annual average daily volume in May, and fell to 95% of that average in August. In contrast, organic volumes peaked in April at 113% of their annual average daily volume. The trough month was the same as conventional, but dropped to 89% of the average before rising strongly in September. Organic volumes also showed a more significant drop off in February than occurred with conventional production.
It’s no surprise that organic milk is more seasonal than conventional. After all, the milk pool is smaller, accounting for just 4% of total GB milk production. However, what is does highlight is the proportionally larger challenge the organic pool could have balancing itself, compared with conventional.

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