Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

13 July 2021

With the end of the EU exit transition period looming ever closer, the situation for wheat trade is a concern for many. Under the proposed UK general tariff structure, UK importers would be faced with a tariff of £79/t to import wheat below a 14.6% protein.

13 July 2021

The USDA trimmed its forecasts for global stocks of wheat, maize and soyabeans at the end of the 2020/21 season yesterday. Yet, the price reaction was mixed.

13 July 2021

The rally that began in late June for Chicago wheat markets seemingly has hit its brakes as prices retreat to levels seen at the end of September. Could this report offer incentives for sentiment to change?

13 July 2021

After 3 years of droughts, Australia has experienced vastly improved conditions the whole way through this season.

13 July 2021

It’s no surprise, with barley at such a discount to wheat, that the proportion of wheat included in GB animal feed production* has shrunk since the start of the season.

13 July 2021

Unsurprisingly GB winter crops for harvest 2021 are off to a better start than last year’s crops.

13 July 2021

Over the past couple of months, we’ve seen significant rallies in the value of grain markets. These rallies have not been isolated to old crop values, with new crop (Nov-21) UK feed wheat futures closing yesterday at £158.15/t, £7.05/t above the start of the season.

13 July 2021

Friday saw the release of the Early Bird Survey which forecasted a reduction of UK OSR area by 18.1% to 318Kha.

13 July 2021

Bearish news in the form of increases to Australian wheat production estimates and a lift in the proposed Russian wheat export quota.

13 July 2021

The Early Bird Survey (EBS) has been released today, providing the industry with the first look into UK cropping intentions for 2021 harvest.

13 July 2021

Whilst rapeseed markets are enjoying the bullish sentiment in soya markets. Longer term, rapeseed markets have support from anticipated planted area declines.

13 July 2021

Heavy rain in October delayed planting across Europe, but dry weather in November has allowed many areas to catch up, according to the EU’s crop monitoring service.
