Contents tagged with Dairy

2 May 2024

How might the EU-NZ trade deal impact UK trade in dairy?

29 April 2024

Despite rising prices, dairy remains popular at mealtimes

25 April 2024

AMPE and MCVE updated to reflect latest costs in Q4 2023

24 April 2024

Irish milk production has recorded significant year on year declines for the past few months. We discuss some of the drivers behind these declines and what it means for the global dairy market.

8 April 2024

Estimated GB milk deliveries in March totalled 1,086 million litres, only 0.1% (0.95 million litres) down compared to the same month last year

2 April 2024

Organic dairy shows resilience in challenging retail market

3 April 2024

Switzerland is a net-importer of food and consumers value quality and sustainable red meat and dairy. With high prices and falling production, this may enable more UK products to be exported, specifically beef and dairy.

21 March 2024

Financially top-quartile dairy farmers, typically make over £120,000 per year more than the bottom 50% of dairy farms.

21 March 2024

Bisterne Farm in Hampshire recently won the prestigious 2023 NMR/RABDF Gold Cup. This is a significant milestone for this dairy farm. To learn the secrets of their success and unique approach to dairy farming, I had the pleasure of chatting with George Brown whose journey with Bisterne Estate began as a joint venture in December 2019.

18 March 2024

Does Valentine’s Day still have a place in the hearts of shoppers? This year, it appears so.

13 March 2024

In the fourth quarter of 2024 calf registrations to dairy dams in GB totalled 359,000 head

12 March 2024

We take a look at the relationship between the milk price and the costs of key inputs, fertiliser and feed
