
23 October 2019

A factsheet explaining the causes of hypomagnesaemia (grass staggers), along with preventative strategies and treatments.

6 January 2020

Improving existing buildings or designing new builds to the best standards has a lasting and positive impact on animal health and productivity. This manual covers a wide range of aspects to improve buildings for your cattle.

7 October 2019

Looking at the impact of liver fluke in cattle and sheep

22 October 2019

Understanding breed characteristics and consumer demands

24 September 2019

Launch of a consultation on a proposal to form a Ruminant Health and Welfare Group to deliver a simpler, more co-ordinated approach to tackling primarily sheep and cattle health and welfare across the UK.

14 January 2020

Training: Stockperson Plus, East

10 March 2020

Training: Stockperson Plus, Lincolnshire. Date to be confirmed.

11 February 2020

Training: Stockperson Plus, East

3 March 2020

Training: Stockperson Development Scheme, East

25 February 2020

Training: Stockperson Development Scheme, East

4 March 2020

Training: Stockperson Development Scheme, North

3 March 2020

Training: Stockperson Development Scheme, Lincolnshire
