Selection and carcase classification

6 February 2024

We estimate that in 2023, over half of the prime beef animals finished in the UK had a dairy dam. This means that breeding decisions made by dairy farmers are having a huge impact on the beef industry.

18 January 2024

Make the most of selling your lamb – tips of the trade

17 April 2023

A leaflet produced by Signet services Ltd providing information on selecting recorded rams for carcase traits

16 December 2022

Understand the differences between CCIR and the Pig Health Scheme and learn how you can use them to optimise the health and welfare of your pigs.

20 October 2021

Suckler profit drivers and cost savers: Where to focus? (webinar)

20 October 2021

Buying a ram for maternal traits webinar

23 September 2021

Maternal matters is a new AHDB initiative putting a spotlight on the importance of maternal performance in driving profitability in the suckler herd.

9 August 2021

Hill flocks in the UK have been involved in weight recording programmes for over 50 years. The reason for flock recording is to provide breeders with an unbiased way to find those rams and ewes in the flock with the best genetic potential. This booklet explains how hill sheep producers can get involved with performance recording services and take their flock forward.

20 May 2021

The fifth-year results from the RamCompare project reveal how rams with key breeding traits can drive productivity and optimise flock profitability.

19 November 2021

Breeding sheep for the future – genetics to meet the requirements of farmers, society and policymakers

18 November 2021

Future proofing your sheep business

17 November 2021

Terminal sire breeding and new ways to sell stock
