
19 March 2020

In light of the evolving situation with Coronavirus (COVID-19), Pig Health Scheme assessments have been suspended

12 July 2021

Find out about the antimicrobial subgroup of the Pig Health and Welfare Council.

12 July 2021

Find out about the surveillance subgroup of the Pig Health and Welfare Council

22 January 2024

Trichinella testing is a legal requirement for breeding herds and pigs that are raised in non-controlled housing. Find out more about preventing the disease and the testing requirements.

5 May 2020

Symptoms, treatment and prevention of the viral liver disease

30 September 2022

Learn more about salmonella in pigs and how to reduce the risk of infection.

3 June 2024

Find out about meat safety and eating quality, from preventing zoonosis, to avoiding boar taint.

8 March 2022

Find out how to prevent, diagnose and treat MMA in sows

25 September 2020

EP-like lesions can cause a significant decrease in production performance, use this information to find out why

18 February 2022

Find out how bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is spread, why you should be concerned about it and what you can do to prevent infection.

11 September 2020

The EU trading situation with China has changed significantly over the past 18 months, in this report we address how this might affect our original analysis.

18 February 2022

Formerly known as pleurisy, here's all you need to know about how the condition can affect your pigs
