
19 June 2024

After surging prices in the first half of 2024, the sheep meat sector will be challenged in the second half of the year with falling production and tight budgets impacting consumer demand.

19 June 2024

Pork sales in retail are struggling while other proteins see growth. We look at why consumers are switching away.

2 January 2024

Consumers are moving away from food selected for variety and towards more practical reasons such as price and ease of cooking.

26 April 2024

Previously in the UK we spend approximately 8% of our expenditure on food - how has the cost of living crisis changed this?

2 January 2024

How is rising pressure on consumer wallets impacting their choice of dairy products?

2 January 2024

Whilst cost is a growing factor in driving consumers to look at their dairy consumption, reputational factors such as health and animal welfare are much more influential.

2 January 2024

Economics dictates that as a general rule, as prices rise, consumers demand less of that good. However, with food being an essential good there is less scope to reduce that demand.

27 October 2022

This webinar is about the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on consumer attitudes towards the industry

27 October 2022

This webinar looks at the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on consumer attitudes towards the industry

2 January 2024

What drives consumer trust in agriculture in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis? Sign up to our Webinars to find out

2 January 2024

Discounters have bounced back, and they now have the highest ever share of grocery, which is expected to increase further as the cost-of-living crisis leads more cash-strapped shoppers to the discount market

2 January 2024

Inflation reached 9.4% in June 2022 and we have already seen shoppers scaling back on dairy purchases.
