
22 January 2021

With free movement of labour ending on 31 December 2020, food and farming sectors, particularly horticulture, could be facing a huge challenge to source labour in the coming months.

13 December 2023

Facts and figures on Australian livestock industries

15 January 2021

Free movement of labour between the UK and EU ended on 31 December. The UK Government has started to operate a new points-based immigration system. This system treats migrant workers from the EU and rest of the world the same. In this article we review what this mean for agriculture and horticulture, with suggestions on the action businesses should be taking now.

8 January 2021

In the first blog of the New Year and with a deal with EU finally agreed, our senior strategic insight manager Sarah Baker highlights some of the implications for our farming and food sectors.

27 January 2021

We have moved our popular Agronomy Roadshows online this year so we can still let farmers in Scotland know about the latest crop research.

26 January 2021

Some 60% of our food, feed and drink exports in 2019 headed to the EU and it provided 70% of our imports.

24 October 2023

The UK’s exit from the European Union is now imminent and new rules on trade, business and travel will be coming into effect on 1 January 2021. AHDB’s chief strategy officer, Will Jackson, urges farmers and growers to consider five key areas and take action now to prepare for the changes ahead.

22 December 2020

In this week’s blog, our market intelligence director Phil Bicknell takes a look at the range of challenges we have had to deal with in 2020 and how the industry has weathered the storm in the eyes of our consumers.

18 December 2020

In this week’s blog, our strategic insight team, Tom Forshaw and Sarah Baker, cut through the media hype around the impact of tariffs on food prices, exploring the relationship between commodity prices and what shoppers actually end up paying at the tills

17 December 2020

Food prices are influenced by a number of mechanisms, with tariffs being just one element to a complicated picture

11 December 2020

Senior strategic insight manager, Sarah Baker, shares her thoughts on when or whether diversification is the right approach for farmers looking to mitigate the loss of direct payments.

4 December 2020

In this article, we take a look at how the future of Scottish agricultural policy may look beyond the departure from the EU CAP.
