
6 June 2024

In May the EU spec SPP averaged 211.19p/kg, an increase of 0.29p from April.

30 June 2024

Find out how AHDB uses social media channels to promote and support farming and levy payers.

19 June 2024

We partner with the British Nutrition Foundation to support food education in the UK and deliver the Food – a fact of life (FFL) programme. The programme aims to ensure that young people are better informed about where food comes from and healthy eating.

29 May 2024

In March UK pig meat exports totalled 24,400 tonnes, falling compared to both the previous month and year.

29 May 2024

Welfare is important to shoppers and overall, consumers have positive perceptions of British agriculture.

29 May 2024

Medicines are used to treat disease in people and in animals. It is important to use medicines appropriately when animals are sick to protect their welfare and restore them to health. The aim is to use as little as possible, but it is also important to use as much as is necessary to prevent unnecessary suffering and maintain animal welfare

29 May 2024

The UK Pig Industry Welfare Training Platform has been updated to include best practice for moving and handling pigs outdoors and in straw pens.

28 May 2024

Easter remains a popular occasion for British households and is a great opportunity for red meat to shine.

28 May 2024

Pork producers in the UK will now have access to the Vietnamese market for the first time, in a deal estimated to be worth around £12m to the sector over the first five years of trade.

25 July 2024

The UK Farm Assurance Review wants to hear directly from those involved in farm assurance systems.

28 May 2024

This week, we are attending SIAL China, a major international trade show in Shanghai, to showcase British pork.

28 May 2024

Knowing and managing your cost of production is important for achieving a positive net margin. So, how does your farm compare with the regional and national averages, and where are your greatest opportunities for improvement?
