Beef & Lamb

15 June 2022

In the week following the Jubilee bank holiday weekend, cattle prices stood their ground.

14 June 2022

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee not only celebrated one of the UK’s greatest exports, but it also helped promote beef and lamb from the UK in two valuable overseas markets.

16 June 2022

We summarise the latest developments in the Irish cattle market

13 June 2022

Chief Executive Tim Rycroft on AHDB's position on the Government Food Strategy.

6 April 2023

Assess your business and get ready for a world without BPS payments.

4 July 2022

Event looking at making more of the electronic identification (EID) tags in your flock

10 June 2022

If you want to try new ways to establish green protein forages and are able to offer up to 0.5ha during the 2022 growing season then we would like to hear from you.

10 June 2022

If it hasn’t rained in two weeks and the forecast is for no rain in the next two weeks, then halve or eliminate the inorganic nitrogen fertiliser application you are about to make. Don’t bother playing catch-up by applying more later, the opportunity has gone. Just ensure you make applications when the rain returns.

9 June 2022

The GB NSL SQQ averaged 332p/kg in the week ending 8 June.

13 July 2022

This online event will see the researchers behind 10 net-zero projects present the key findings.

14 July 2022

There’s no reason why farmers can't be profitable food producers as well as environmental custodians, but it depends on the success of the new schemes being developed.

9 June 2022

The EU produced 1.64 million tonnes of beef in the first quarter of 2022, down only 0.8% compared to 2021
