Beef & Lamb

14 July 2022

The UK produced 69,200 tonnes of beef in June, down 12% from May.

14 July 2022

In this guest blog, Janet Hughes, Director of Future Farming and Countryside (Defra), shares the approach Defra are taking in terms of the design of the SFI and her vision for the future.

13 July 2022

In the week ending 9 July, GB deadweight cattle prices decreased slightly, however remain at historically high levels.

18 August 2022

Charts and infographics showing overall trade between the UK and New Zealand.

15 September 2022

Prolonged dry summers are becoming a frequent challenge to UK farming, so knowing how to deal with them is increasingly important when planning your grazing season.

17 August 2022

Bale grazing and deferred grazing are useful tools to help achieve lower cost wintering systems; but getting set up requires planning ahead.

9 August 2022

Ewe fertility is one of the main drivers underlying the output of a sheep flock. Optimising fertility increases the number of lambs scanned and born, which in turn drives flock profitability.

25 July 2022

An opportunity to gain an insight into the internal effects of parasite damage via demonstrations of sheep post-mortems.

11 July 2022

Cutting every 4.5–5 weeks, leaving a stubble of at least 7.5cm and using a homofermentative inoculant should all help make good quality silage out of a herbal ley.

28 July 2022

Find out more about how to grow Lupins on your farm, how to harvest and process them, and how to incorporate them into a ration for cattle and sheep.

8 July 2022

Five ways we are working with farmers, growers, industry groups and government.

2 January 2024

Are UK consumers likely to buy New Zealand produce in our supermarkets and restaurants?
