Weekly cattle and sheep market wrap – 7 February 2025
Friday, 7 February 2025
Key points
Prices for week ending 1 February:
- GB deadweight cattle prices lift again, with the GB overall all-prime price up 16p/kg on the week
- Sheep prices eased this week with the GB OSL SQQ sitting at 710p/kg, despite lower numbers forward
- Robust demand for cattle continues to drive the farmgate price north, against a backdrop of tighter supply
GB deadweight cattle prices grew again in the week ending 1 February. R4L steers lifted by 16p/kg on the week to average 617p/kg across GB, whilst R4L heifers grew by 17p/kg to sit at 616p/kg. The overall young bull measure also gained to sit at 580p/kg for this week, a lift of 10p/kg. All categories are now sitting around 110p higher than the same point a year ago.
Cow prices also saw sharp increases in the week, with the overall GB price up 15p/kg week on week to 439p/kg. This was 98p/kg above the same week of 2024.
AHDB estimated slaughter indicated prime cattle numbers were largely steady on the week, with an additional 100 head forward to total 34,400 head. Cow numbers eased slightly on the week, down 4% to an estimated 10,500 head.
Robust demand for available cattle continues to drive the cattle price upwards, with fierce competition reported for available supplies.
Reports suggest that beef wholesale prices have reflected the strength of the current cattle market, with Valentines Day demand driving price rises into steaking cuts in particular in recent weeks.
Deadweight sheep prices fell back in the week ending 1 February, with the GB old season SQQ down 21p/kg week on week to sit at 710p/kg. This was 67p/kg ahead of the same week last year and 204p/kg above 2023.
Estimated slaughter fell back, both on the week and on the same week of last year, totalling 186,000 head.
Poor weather in the week may have restricted numbers forward, according to reports. However, they are continuing to be met with strong trade, particularly for export lambs.
Looking forward to the next couple of months, processors will be looking to secure supplies for the key demand periods surrounding religious festivals, Easter and Ramadan, for both the domestic and export markets.

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