Contents tagged with sheep

28 August 2024

UK farming systems are incredibly diverse. Why do comparable farms, with comparable systems, perform so differently?

25 January 2024

A round up of the lamb markets for November 2023.

6 September 2023

The report presents evidence to inform decisions related to the development of the genetic improvement infrastructure for the UK beef and sheep sector, in order to improve financial sustainability and reduce environmental impact of the sector, including the current financial benefit of genetic improvement.

3 November 2023

AHDB commissioned ADAS to carry out a GS4 mixes assessment on one of our B&L Monitor Farms.

24 April 2023

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board is to make new breeding values for abattoir traits an integral part of the National Terminal Sire Evaluation through its Signet Breeding Services, following significant analysis of abattoir data.

24 February 2023

Last Thursday Defra released their latest figures for UK sheep meat production, with production totalling 21,400 tonnes in January.

18 November 2022

According to latest Defra figures, UK sheep meat production in October totalled 24,400 tonnes, up 6% (1,400 tonnes) on the revised September production figures (of 23,000 tonnes).

9 November 2022

Successfully outwinter stock on fodder beet to maximise performance and reduce costs

17 August 2022

The UK exported 5,400 tonnes of fresh and frozen sheep meat during June, down 200 tonnes from May, but up 17% year on year for the month of June.

5 March 2024

Watery mouth is an infectious bacterial disease that can kill newborn lambs usually within the first 3 days of life. Lambs pick up infection from the environment and the bacteria multiply very rapidly in the gut. Affected lambs die within hours.

10 March 2023

The latest Australian cattle and sheep industry forecasts have been released by Meat and Livestock Australia.
