UK pork trade remains in year on year growth
Friday, 18 November 2022
UK exports of pork (excluding offal) totalled 17,900 tonnes in September, up 4% from August and a 9% increase from September 2021. This brings the year to date (Jan-Sep) total for pork exports (excluding offal) to 177,200 tonnes, a 7% increase year on year, but volumes remain below those from before the pandemic.
Volumes to China continue to decline as domestic production recovers from ASF, with year-to-date shipments down 34% from the same time last year. The EU continues to increase volumes, up 49% year on year, counteracting the volumes lost to China. Volumes to the rest of the world have dipped in 2022, but with the opening of new markets, more opportunities for exports should be generated.

UK pig offal exports have been in growth for a number of years. Despite volumes shipped in September being 2% behind August at 11,300 tonnes, they are up 31% compared to September last year. This brings year to date (Jan-Sep) volumes to 107,000 tonnes, a year-on-year increase of 11%.
China retains the largest market share of UK offal exports. Shipments to China have totalled 47,900 tonnes so far this year, however this is 3% behind last year. This decline has been outweighed by growth in the EU and Philippines, where shipments have increased to record highs of 30,100 tonnes and 13,000 tonnes respectively.

Imports of pork (excluding offal) to the UK totalled 59,300 tonnes in September, in line with volumes from August but a decrease of 10% compared to September last year. This brings year to date (Jan-Sep) volumes to 587,300 tonnes, up 13% from a year ago. Volumes remain lower than levels seen before the pandemic and Brexit, with 2022 imports down 50,500 tonnes compared to 2019.

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