Contents tagged with pork

3 July 2024

There has been significant liquidation of sows due to disease outbreaks and financial pressure.

3 July 2024

Total EU production saw marginal gains of 0.3% in the first quarter compared to 2023.

19 June 2024

For the year to date (Jan-Apr) the UK produced 306, 400 tonnes of pig meat.

12 June 2024

The latest AHDB quarterly cost of production and margin estimations have been published for Q1 2024.

29 May 2024

In March UK pig meat exports totalled 24,400 tonnes, falling compared to both the previous month and year.

28 May 2024

Easter remains a popular occasion for British households and is a great opportunity for red meat to shine.

16 May 2024

EU pork production in the first two months of 2024 has totalled just over 3.7m tonnes. This is overall growth of 5% compared to the same period in 2023.

9 April 2024

Brazil's pork production has increases, which is driving growth in its exports.

3 April 2024

Switzerland is a net-importer of food and consumers value quality and sustainable red meat and dairy. With high prices and falling production, this may enable more UK products to be exported, specifically beef and dairy.

28 March 2024

Meat has risen in popularity despite the continued pressure from rising food prices during the last year.

28 March 2024

What changes have we seen to consumer eating habits over the last few years?

13 March 2024

In 2023, pork production increased by 1.1% to 12.4 million tonnes according to the latest USDA forecast.
