Moving and handling training updated to reflect outdoor pig production

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

The UK Pig Industry Welfare Training Platform has been updated to include best practice for moving and handling pigs outdoors and in straw pens. It follows feedback we received from those who have completed the UK Pig Industry Welfare Training Platform since it was launched two years ago.

The training, developed by AHDB and the wider industry, ensures a consistent and high level of welfare across the sector and demonstrates to consumers that we are a responsible industry that takes the welfare of our livestock seriously. It can also be used a refresher tool for those experienced with handling pigs and is a great way to upskill new entrants.

Everyone involved in the care, moving, and handling of pigs needs to complete it as part of Red Tractor standards.

After listening to users, we have updated the training to include footage of moving and handling pigs in straw pens and on outdoor units.

Dr Charlotte Evans, AHDB Head of Engagement (Pork), said:

Good handling of pigs is critical for everyone in the supply chain. We have listened to the fair and constructive feedback of the course since its launch and this additional footage aims to address some of the areas not previously covered in the earlier version of the training.

Overall, it aims to provide handy tips to make life easier and less stressful for both pigs and stockpeople.” 

Georgina McDowell, Technical Manager (Pigs) for Red Tractor Assurance, added:

“This valuable update to the training module means it is now even more tailored to the UK pig industry, including some of our unique production systems.

Those undertaking the training, which is a Red Tractor requirement for all people involved with caring for pigs on farm and in transport, will be able to see pig handling best practice relevant to whatever type of farm they work on.”

Those already registered but yet to complete their training will continue on the older version of the module. Anyone who has completed their training can login to access the new videos for free, although this is not mandatory.

All new registrations will automatically be enrolled on the new version.

Register for the training

Find out more about the UK Pig Industry Welfare Training platform



