Manchester chef serves hogget to inspire Merseyside
Monday, 7 October 2019
One of Liverpool’s leading chefs has taken up the challenge to inspire cooks across the country to use lesser-used cuts of beef and lamb in dishes.

Sharing a dish created with hogget lamb, a flavoursome meat produced from a year old sheep, the innovative dish uses shoulder, loin and rib – again, cuts of lamb not readily used.
Dominic Grundy, Head Chef at Panoramic 34’s move to inspire others, was fuelled watching his grandfather – a butcher – working with cuts gained from the full beef, lamb and pork carcase. The Mancunian born chef was spurred on to share his insight and increase the use of locally produced, quality meat.
Featured in our Off the Block video series is a dish made from lamb saddle with a loin skewer glazed in Marmite, with beetroot ketchup and a rib of lamb on the side.
Dominic said: “It’s important that more chefs and home cooks use readily available but lesser used meats like hogget and the whole carcase in their dishes. Because we’re in a city, sometimes people don’t really look where their food’s from, but for sustainability I believe our meat should come from our local region – you get the best produce that way, just as we have here in the North West.
“I chose hogget because in sourcing spring lamb, there’s a certain window you have to get your meat. Good quality hogget brings a unique flavour and it’s easier to get hold of around the year. More chefs and home cooks can use tips like this and work closely with their butcher, to increase the sustainability and intensify the taste of their dishes.”
The initiative is supported by AHDB, which works on behalf of beef and sheep farmers across England.
Quality Schemes Senior Manager, Karl Pendlebury said: “Working with quality beef and lamb allows chefs and home cooks to create innovative dishes incorporating cuts like shoulder, loin, rib and lamb breast to bring a depth of flavour, while reducing costs.”
Dominic Grundy’s video and other chef’s nose-to-tail eating tips are available in the Off the Block series at
To find out more about AHDB’s Quality Standard Mark and where to source your meat visit