Bungee serving technique for pigs

The bungee serving technique can increase labour efficiency in a loose-housed serving environment, similar to sows served in stalls, as a leave-alone system with the AI dose attached overhead.

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Benefits of bungee serving

  • The system is simple and easy to use
  • Sows receive stimulation from the bungee
  • Multiple sows can be served by one operator
  • Time serving can be reduced by an hour a day
  • All staff can replicate the system, which ensures a stable service strategy all year round

How do you carry out bungee serving of pigs?

  • Firstly, make sure the bungees are easily accessible in the service area
  • Provide snout-to-snout contact with a boar and check for standing heat as normal
  • Place the bungee cord around the sow, just in front of the back legs, and clip together using the end hooks, roughly where the spine would be. The bungee should be tight, but not too tight that it causes discomfort
  • Make sure the bungee lies behind all functional teats
  • Insert the catheter and attach flat-pack as normal
  • Carefully attach the bungee hook to the flat-pack through one of the pre-made holes in the top of the flat pack, as shown below
  • With the sow still in front of the boar, insemination will happen as normal, and the AI dose will be slowly drawn into the sow
  • The flat pack and bungee can remain in situ until the dedicated rest period is over. You can then dismantle the bungee in reverse
  • Alternatively, the bungee system can be removed after the AI has drained from the catheter and the sow can remain in front of the boar for the resting period

When using this technique, it is important that the bungee is not positioned too far along the back of the sow. This will ensure the catheter remains rounded and not too angular.

Note, if you are serving gilts using this technique, they may require more attention than more experienced sows.
