5 steps

This 5-step process will help you to design and address the technical and relationship building aspects of creating a strong business-to-business arrangement.

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Taking stock

Make a clear assessment of your assets, skills and experiences, and what you’d like to achieve with them. Having a clear understanding of your starting point allows you to plan what is achievable; you may have limitations which you can address before starting your new venture, such as skill set or financial position.

Step 1 - Take stock

Finding the right match

This can mean finding the right combination of land, mindset and ambition, but it is essential to also put the time aside to find the right person or people to work with. If the parties involved have different long-term aims and ambitions it can create a difficult working environment.

Step 2 - Find the right match

Creating a balanced agreement

Work out how to share the risks and rewards of new business models to unlock future farming potential. Understand the roles and responsibilities of those involved in the agreement, and make sure that each person’s skills are utilised. Agree what you and each party require from the agreement before you start to ensure fairness between the people involved.

Step 3 - Create a balanced agreement

Selecting a legal framework

Select the right framework for your business relationship, using tried and tested models to create positive outcomes. There are many kinds of agreements available. Each has benefits, and it depends on your circumstances as to which suits you best. Some landowners wishes to be involved in the farming side and some wish to have no more involvement than an income: this affects which agreement you choose.

Step 4 - Select a legal framework

Thinking long-term

Being prepared for the inevitability of change; creating options, optimising resources, and building business relationships that will stand the test of time and life events. Unfortunately, there are life events which are incredibly sad and can affect all aspects of your life. It's important to have a plan in place for how someone could exit an agreement or that the business can continue without them.

Step 5 - Think long-term

Useful links

Understanding your finances and farm business accounts
